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Spring is the Time for Change

Crocuses blooming in a field
Crocuses blooming

Springtime on the Prairies – a long-awaited season after the sometimes grueling winters we experience. Well, it is right around the corner and we are excited to share some new products with you this season as well as some tips to jump start your spring cleaning in your home & your life.

The symbolism of spring is one people all over the world can appreciate. In cultural celebrations around the world, it is a time of rebirth and new beginnings. Spring is a natural time of renewal and hope – physically and spiritually. It is a time to let go and deal with any regrets.

Although humans are creatures of habits and resistant to change, we crave newness. So we find ourselves in a constant battle of who or where we are vs who or where we want to be. Without fail every January 1st people around the world commit to change. We see the new year as a blank slate and promise ourselves that this will be the year we make those changes.

But lets be honest, when it is perpetually dark, cold and we are still exhausted from the holidays, change is the LAST thing we want to do. So inevitably most of us fail and fall back into our old habits.

Spring however is the best time to make those changes! Days are starting to get longer, the weather is improving daily and the birds are coming back and brightening our mornings with their joyful sounds. Spring awakens our soul, lifts our spirits and improves our mood.

So take steps to develop a plan with end goals, big or small, with actionable steps to get there.

Here are a few ideas to help create lasting change:

· Write it down

· Find a support system

· Ditch the All-or-Nothing thinking

· Celebrate the small wins

Let’s spring into this new season with good intentions and of course, a breath of fresh air!

"Where the flowers bloom, so does hope." - Lady Bird Johnson


"Spring is proof that there is beauty in new beginnings." - Unknown

CLN Spring Product Launch

We are growing! We have re-vamped our product line and are excited to launch new products this spring.

Shower Steamers - the perfect way to turn your shower into a spa-like experience. We are offering 2 new seasonal scents:

  • Citrus Burst - a delightful blend of crisp citrus scents

  • Hibiscus Berry - a soothing blend of berries & hibiscus

We are so excited for you to try our new improved & larger body mists that double as great room fresheners also.

· BLOOM – Warmth & Citrusy meets Floral.

· TWILIGHT – Earthy & exotic.

· REBEL - Big & bold.

And last but certainly not least is our new lotion bars coming April 13th. Our lotion bars are made with all-naturals butters, oils & beeswax that stay solid at room temperature but melt into your skin from your own body heat. A great low-waste option to add to your skincare routine.

Check them all out on the website today!

"Spring is when life is alive in everything" - Christina Rosetti


  1. Kitchen - Windows: A simple mixture of two parts water to one part white distilled vinegar is all you need for a streak-free finish on windows and glass surfaces. Wipe the inside of windows from side to side, and the outside of windows from top to bottom. This makes it easier to see which side needs further cleaning.

  2. Kitchen- Pantry: Go through the pantry, refrigerator, and freezer for foods that are past their expiration dates or those items you know you'll never use. Throw them away. For unopened can and jar foods that are still good but you know you won't eat, donate them.

  3. Kitchen- Appliances: Donate the novelty appliances you rarely or never use. Clean out the inside of your microwave. And turn your attention to your must-have appliance: the coffee maker. To clean your coffee maker, brew a pot using 2 parts distilled water and 1 part vinegar. Brew this mixture through 3 times, then follow up with 3 brews using distilled water.

  4. Bathroom- Medicine Cabinet: Throw away any medicines or health and beauty items with expired dates. Many personal care products deteriorate after six months. Also, be realistic with yourself and toss anything you haven't used recently.

  5. Bathroom - Linens: If your towels, rugs, and shower curtain are looking shabby or worn, it might be time to donate them (check with your local humane society, they are always looking for bedding items) and replenish your supply with fresh ones. Professional organizers tip: it's smart to invest in products such as containers, racks, shelves, or drawers for extra storage in a small bath.

  6. Bathroom- Air: Soak a cotton ball with essential oils and toss it under the bathroom sink (always make sure it is out of reach from pets) for a clean, fresh smell. Try lavender, jasmine, or any fragrance you like. The cotton will stay fragrant for about two weeks.

  7. Bedroom - Closets: Dry clean or launder coats, sweaters, and any items you are keeping. Toss or donate any items that are worn, don't fit, or you don't like (be realistic! We are all hang on to stuff that will fit "soon"). Inventory your spring and summer clothes and make a list of new items you need to purchase. Professional organizers say it's good to invest in storage containers, clothing bags, and cedar blocks to store out-of-season clothing.

  8. Bedroom - Purge: Remove everything from your bedroom that doesn't serve you—books you've read or don't intend to read, clothes you don't like, magazines, newspapers, and more. Make your bedroom a haven by first cleaning out the piles.

  9. Living Room - Textiles: Vacuum upholstery and launder curtains. Update furniture with slipcovers—one of the simplest tools for refreshing a room. Shop for light or neutral slips that are machine washable. Slipcovers are usually treated with Scotchgard protector to keep colors stains at bay.

  10. Living Room - Add Plants: Houseplants freshen and filter the air in your home. Plus the green brings life to rooms that have been bundled up for months. Try one of these favorites: ferns, orchids, peace lily, philodendron, massangena cane, anthuriums, or palms.

  11. Laundry Room- Dryer Vent: Check and clean your dryer vent and ducts to remove lint build-up. If the ducts get clogged with lint, it can be a fire hazard. Drying clothes with fabric softener sheets can leave a residue on the lint trap. Wash the trap with soap and water in a sink. Bonus: You'll be amazed at how much faster your clothes will dry when the dryer duct is free from lint.

  12. Laundry Room- Maintenance: Pull out the washer and dryer. Vacuum the backside of each appliance with a brush attachment to remove dirt and dust. Wipe down the top and sides of the appliances with an all-purpose cleaner. Run the washing machine cycle with distilled white vinegar and hot water. This will get rid of any mildew and soap scum.

  13. Deck & Patio - Clean Surfaces: Grime and dirt can leave surfaces looking dingy or even a different color. Power washing your porch and patio before the summer entertaining season starts will freshen your outdoor spaces up. If you don't have a power washer, you can rent one from your local hardware or tool rental store.

  14. Deck & Patio - Wash Furniture: Most patio furniture, cushions and umbrellas can be cleaned using a mild soap and water mixture and a soft cloth. Saturate the furniture and cushions then rinse well with a damp cloth or garden hose. Follow manufacturer's directions when cleaning wood or other specialty furniture. Wipe down the grill with a soap and water mixture. Or, for caked-on grease, scrub with a wire brush.

There are free printable checklists available online to keep you in check when tackling your spring cleaning. Check out: Printable Spring Cleaning Checklists

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